Saturday, 22 November 2014

Updates Coming Soon

I know I haven't been posting a lot on this blog since fall started. I've been super busy with my new role as the News Coordinator for CFRC radio's news show, Alternative Frequency. It has been an exciting time for me. I've been doing some investigative journalism to produce this news show twice a week. It's great to look at a story in depth, which is what Alternative Frequency is all about. Check out some of my work for the show here! Topics I've covered have included the mayoral candidate debates, media representations of female celebrities after the recent leakage of Jennifer Lawrence's nude photos, the rise of feminist ad-hoc activities on Queen's campus, Queen's homecoming, student entrepreneurship and much more!

                                              This is me, getting ready to produce the show.

Plans to rejuvenate and revamp this blog are in the works. I am shifting my main page to WordPress very soon, which will direct people to this blog. This will no longer operate as a portfolio as such but will most likely become a regular blog on reflections, movies, noteworthy pieces on societal issues etc.

I am looking to posting something very soon on how to implement digital initiatives such as podcasts, info-graphics and videos to rejuvenate your blog so stay tuned for that.

Meanwhile, keep visiting every day to check out what I've been up to as a reporter. To access my coverage on the municipal elections for Kingston East News, check out my interviews with Countryside district candidates and Pittsburgh candidates. Happy reading! :)