Sunday 26 August 2012

Down the Rabbit Hole...Into Memory Lane.

The melancholy air whirls her around in a desolate swirl of darkness.
The clouds gather closer together,
Cascading the pure night sky
Which is impregnated with remorse.
There is darkness and decay in the air,
Almost like a ubiquitous and pungent aroma
That reverberates through the dreary night.
She looks for light to engulf her and help her escape
From her own darkened gloom of thought.
In the pitch black darkness,
She finds a glimmer of hope
As she spots the five little stars swirling in the pure-blue velvet sky.
They offer support and hope
And ignite the darkness
With an effervescent and exuberant purity.
And she knows that she is lucky and loved.


Neha Arif Riar said...

loved loved it. I can so relate to this. GOOD JOB and keep writing !

Akshay Awal said...

I second Neha's comment; beautifully written!

As Hal Borland once said, "No winter lasts forever and no spring skips its turn."

We all feel defeated at times but we should never lose hope as it'll always be by your side and it's only yours to lose.

Unknown said...

Great job! Very well written.

Ali Furqan said...

So sad :( ...I find great poetry is always a bit gloomy, this certainly was no exception.

Anonymous said...

A very well written blog. shows that you have honed the art of articulation.

salman atif said...

Amazing piece of work ... impressive an I hope it keeps getting better with time.